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Parents Can Be Powerful Advocates

Pepi M. Silverman

Knowing Your Rights

Whenever parents request the consideration of special education services, the school sends a meeting notice along with a Notice of Procedural Safeguards. It is a multipage document that most people in receipt of it, "NEVER" read. While the document is not an enjoyable read, the content is important and the school is required to clarify and offer explanations of the information contained within it.

Be empowered by being informed about your rights under the law. Within the document's 22 pages are the following headings:

  1. Prior Written Notice

  2. Parental Consent

  3. Absence of Parent Consent

  4. Revocation of Consent

  5. Parent Participation in Meetings

  6. Evaluation Procedures

  7. Private School Placement

  8. Discipline of Students with Disabilities

  9. Complaint Resolution

  10. Mediation

  11. Due Process Hearing

  12. Education Surrogate Parents

  13. Educational Records

  14. Transfer of Parental Rights

These headings contain content describing the legal requirements that must be followed. Understanding those requirements can help parents advocate for their students by holding the school accountable for adherence to the law.

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